apollo-android v3.0.0-rc02 Release Notes

  • 2021-12-10

    💙 Many thanks to @michgauz, @joeldenke, @rohandhruva, @schoeda, @CoreFloDev and @sproctor for all the feedback 💙

    🔀 ⚙️ [breaking] Merge ApolloQueryCall, ApolloSubscriptionCall, ApolloMutationCall (#3676)

    In order to simplify the API and keep the symmetry with ApolloRequest<D> and ApolloResponse<D>, ApolloQueryCall<D, E>, ApolloSubscriptionCall<D, E>, ApolloMutationCall<D, E> are replaced with ApolloCall<D>. This change should be mostly transparent but it's technically a breaking change. If you are passing ApolloQueryCall<D, E> variables, it is safe to drop the second type parameter and use ApolloCall<D> instead.

    ✨ [New] Add WebSocketNetworkTransport.reconnectWhen {} (#3674)

    You now have the option to reconnect a WebSocket automatically when an error happens and re-subscribe automatically after the reconnection has happened. To do so, use the webSocketReconnectWhen parameter:

    val apolloClient = ApolloClient.Builder()
                connectionPayload = {
                  mapOf("token" to upToDateToken)
        .webSocketReconnectWhen {
          // this is called when an error happens on the WebSocket
          it is ApolloWebSocketClosedException && it.code == 1001

    👍 Better Http Batching API (#3670)

    🔧 The HttpBatchingEngine has been moved to an HttpInterceptor. You can now configure Http batching with a specific method:

    apolloClient = ApolloClient.Builder()
        .httpBatching(batchIntervalMillis = 10)

    All changes:

    • ➕ Add 2.x symbols (Rx2Apollo, prefetch(), customAttributes(), ApolloIdlingResource.create()) to help the transition (#3679)
    • ➕ Add canBeBatched var to ExecutionOptions (#3677)
    • 🔀 Merge ApolloQueryCall, ApolloSubscriptionCall, ApolloMutationCall (#3676)
    • ➕ Add WebSocketNetworkTransport.reconnectWhen {} (#3674)
    • 🚚 Move BatchingHttpEngine to a HttpInterceptor (#3670)
    • ➕ Add exposeErrorBody (#3661)
    • 🛠 fix the name of the downloadServiceApolloSchemaFromRegistry task (#3669)
    • 🛠 Fix DiskLruHttpCache concurrency (#3667)