ebean v12.1.13 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-02-21 // about 4 years ago
  • Issues:

    #1954 - Add JSON expression handing for MySql - MySqlDbExpression.json bug
    #1952 - Entity bean with @id and ONLY @WhenCreated treated as reference bean - not inserted bug
    โœ… #1949 - Test only - usingDatabase with a non default db
    #1941 - @history with SQL Server - does not work well when it got generated with ebean.allQuotedIdentifiers enabled
    ๐Ÿ—„ #1946 - Deprecate orderBy() migrate to order() deprecated-api
    #1937 - When add a new col with @DbComment in Entity,the DbMigration does not generate comment ddl
    #1942 - Bump datasource to 4.7.3, includes - datasource.offline() closes busy connections ... should let them close on return
    #1939 #1938 - API consistency add setParameters(varargs) & setParameter() - migrate from setNextParameter() and setParams()

    โœจ Enhancements:

    #1948 - ENH: Add query.usingDatabase(database) enhancement
    ๐Ÿ’… #1945 - ENH: Add query.orderById(boolean) to ExpressionList ... improve fluid style enhancement