hikaku v3.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-08-08 // over 4 years ago
  • Core:

    • Replaced static filtering rules in HikakuConfig with dynamic rule set using predicates. See migration guide below Thanks to @jrehwaldt for bringing up this idea in #26 and thanks a lot to @syjer for coming up with a proposal for the implementation in #44
    • ✂ Removed default values in Endpoint for httpMethod and path


    • ⚡️ Updated micronaut-http to 1.2.0


    • 🚀 Updated spring-webmvc to 5.1.9.RELEASE

    Migrating to 3.0.0

    🔧 The configuration has changed. You can now freely create rules to exclude endpoints from matching. If you've been using the HikakuConfig options here is how you can migrate to 3.0.0:


    If you previously used the ignoreHttpMethodHead in the config, change your config to the following:

    HikakuConfig( filter = listOf ( { endpoint -\> endpoint.httpMethod == HEAD } ), reporter = listOf(reporter) )


    If you previously used the ignoreHttpMethodOptions in the config, change your config to the following:

    HikakuConfig( filter = listOf ( { endpoint -\> endpoint.httpMethod == OPTIONS } ), reporter = listOf(reporter) )


    If you previously used the ignorePaths in the config, change your config to the following:

    HikakuConfig( filter = listOf ( SpringConverter.IGNORE\_ERROR\_ENDPOINT, { endpoint -\> endpoint.path == "/other-path"}, ), reporter = listOf(reporter) )


    Of course you can combine all of these as well:

    HikakuConfig( filter = listOf ( { endpoint -\> endpoint.httpMethod == HEAD }, { endpoint -\> endpoint.httpMethod == OPTIONS }, SpringConverter.IGNORE\_ERROR\_ENDPOINT, { endpoint -\> endpoint.path == "/other-path"}, ), reporter = listOf(reporter) )

    And you can create more individual rules.