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4 days
Latest Release
3168 days ago

Changelog History

  • v1.3.0 Changes

    August 21, 2015

    📚 see for history of changes. And for documentation.

    🆕 NEW FEATURE: Configuration Injection w/Typesafe Config. Read more about it in the inject-config-typesafe module.


    compile "uy.kohesive.injekt:injekt-core:1.3.+"
    compile "uy.kohesive.injekt:injekt-config-typesafe:1.3.+"


    • ➕ Added Configuration injection from Typesafe Config (see README in config-typesafe)
    • ➕ Added storage in Injekt scope for addons to work within a scope
  • v1.2.0 Changes

    August 11, 2015

    📚 see for history of changes. And for documentation.


    compile "uy.kohesive.injekt:injekt-core:1.2.+"


    • 📦 [BREAKING CHANGE] Fixing #8 - Moved api classes to uy.kohesive.injekt.api package so that separate module jars do not have classes in the same package, breaking use in Android
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Remove deprecated "injekt_" delegates (replaced with "inject_")
  • v1.1.1 Changes

    August 11, 2015

    📚 see for history of changes. And for documentation.


    compile "uy.kohesive.injekt:injekt-core:1.1.+"



    🛠 Fix for #7 - factories called again when value already existed, even though correct value was returned. Fixed, although in JDK 7 concurrentHashMap doesn't have a way to prevent some chance of a second factory call, although the correct value would still be returned and the additional factory call would be tossed away.

  • v1.1.0 Changes

    August 09, 2015

    📚 see for history of changes. And for documentation.


    compile "uy.kohesive.injekt:injekt-core:1.1.+"



    Seperate API from core JAR. Core depends on API. a lot of small changes to structure for having independent scopes for injection, and cleaning.
    Sorry for the breaks, but they will be tiny little changes to clean up.

    API Changes:

    • 🆕 new property delegates that require scope to be passed in.

    Core Changes:

    • 0️⃣ delegates by default point a the top level scope unless you use the scope-specific version.
    • 🔄 changed Injekt from object singleton that contained implementation to an var of type InjektScope (no API change, code should compile as-is but does need recompile)
    • 📦 [BREAKING CHANGE] changed default registry/factory package to uy.kohesive.injekt.registry.default although unlikely referenced from user code.
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] renamed InjektInstanceFactory to InjektFactory
    • 🚚 [BREAKING CHANGE] renamed Injekt.Property with delegates removed, use other Delegates.*
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] InkektRegistrar is changed to only be a combination of two interfaces, InjektRegistry and InjektFactory and nothing else.
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] changed InjektMain / InjektScopedMain to also be a module with same registerInjectables method
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] changed exportInjektables to registerInjectables
    • 🚀 [BREAKING CHANGE] changed other words in method names that used "injekt" to "inject" to be more natural, old versions deprecated to be removed in 1 release
    • Introduced InjektScope which allows different parts of the app to have different injection registries
    • Introduced InjektScopedMain which is like InjektMain but for a specified scope instead of the global scope.