koin v3.1.6 Release Notes

    • 🛠 [FIXED] [core] - fix #1146 duplicate bindings with getAll()
    • 🛠 [FIXED] [android] - Require ComponentActivity instead of AppCompatActivity in LifecycleViewModelScopeDelegate for FragmentScenario support
    • 🛠 [FIXED] [ktor] - Fix #1263 Ktor scope closing with ApplicationStopped event listening
    • 🛠 [FIXED] [android] - fix #1207 #1308 - Realign ViewModel API with Google viewModels() API to better register on factories
    • ⬇️ [FIXED] [ktor] - downgrade to Ktor 1.6.5 due to link to Kotlin 1.6.x (further versions will follow 3.2.x branch with independant koin-ktor module project)