
Programming language: Kotlin
License: MIT License
Tags: Misc    

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Kotlin Preconditions Build Status

kotlin-preconditions will assist you in ensuring all of your invariants are met before an operation is executed.


kotlin-preconditions provides a powerful DSL for defining preconditions:

checkThat(1) { isLt(2) }
checkThat(listOf(1, 2)) { contains(1) }

requireThat(1) { isLt(2) }
requireThat(listOf(1, 2)) { contains(1) }

If any of the preconditions are not met then checkThat will throw an IllegalStateException and requireThat will throw an IllegalArgumentException. The exception message will be generated lazily, so your application does not waste resources on evaluating objects that may not trigger an exception.

Compose your preconditions the way you like it:

val list = listOf(1, 2)

requireThat(list) { contains(3) or contains(1) and not(hasSize(3)) }

// nested preconditions
val text: String? = "hello"

requireThat(text) {
    not(isNull()) and {
        hasLength(6) or { startsWith("he") and endsWith("llo") }

API Overview


Instead of checkThat and requireThat you can also use check and require.

val value = "hello"

check(value) { startsWith("he") and hasLength(5) and not(includes("io")) }
require(value) { startsWith("he") and hasLength(5) and not(includes("io")) }
String preconditions
val value = "hello"

requireThat(value) { startsWith("he") and hasLength(5) and not(includes("io")) }
requireThat(value) { includes("ll") }
requireThat(value) { matches("hello") }
requireThat(value) { endsWith("lo") }
requireThat(value) { hasLength(5) }
requireThat(value) { not(isBlank()) }
requireThat(value) { not(isEmpty()) }
requireThat(value) { hasLengthBetween(1, 5) }
Collection preconditions
val list = listOf(1, 2)

requireThat(list) { hasSize(2) }
requireThat(list) { contains(1) or contains(3) and not(hasSize(3)) }
requireThat(list) { containsAll(1, 2) }
requireThat(list) { containsAll(list) }
requireThat(list) { isSorted() }
Comparable preconditions
requireThat(1) { isLt(2) }
requireThat(1) { isLte(1) }
requireThat(1) { isGt(0) }
requireThat(1) { isGte(1) }
requireThat(1) { isBetween(0..2) }
Map preconditions
val map = mapOf(1 to "1")

requireThat(map) { hasKey(1) }
requireThat(map) { hasValue("1") }
requireThat(map) { contains(1, "1") }
Object preconditions
val result = Result(true)

requireThat(result) { not(isNull()) }
requireThat(result) { isEqualTo(result) }
requireThat(result) { isSameInstanceAs(result) }
Composed preconditions
val value = "hello"

requireThat(value) { startsWith("he") and hasLength(5) and not(includes("io")) }
val numbers = listOf(1, 2)

requireThat(numbers, "Numbers") { contains(3) or contains(1) and not(hasSize(3)) }
Custom matchers

Custom matchers can be added by using extension functions:

data class Car(val age: Int)

fun PreconditionBlock<Car>.hasAge(expected: Int) = object : Matcher<Car>() {
    override fun test(condition: Condition<Car>) = condition.test {
        withResult(value.age == expected) { "expected car to be $expected years old, but was ${value.age}" }

requireThat(Car(22)) { hasAge(22) }





compile 'com.github.spoptchev:kotlin-preconditions:6.1.0'