ktx v1.10.0-rc1 Release Notes

    • ⚡️ [UPDATE] Updated to Kotlin 1.6.10.
    • ⚡️ [UPDATE] Updated to Kotlin Coroutines 1.6.0.
    • [MISC] Links to the libGDX wiki were updated.
    • [MISC] Stable KTX releases are now marked with the -rc suffix.
    • [CHANGE] (ktx-scene2d) The generic Node type of KTreeWidget was changed to KNode<*>.
    • [FEATURE] Added Tree.onSelectionChange extension method that attaches a ChangeListener to a Tree.
    • [FEATURE] (ktx-script) Added a new module with KotlinScriptEngine evaluating Kotlin scripts in runtime.
      • evaluate(String): compiles and executes a script passed as a string.
      • evaluate(FileHandle): compiles and executes a script from the selected file.
      • evaluateAs<T>(String): compiles and executes a script passed as a string. Casts the result to T.
      • evaluateAs<T>(FileHandle): compiles and executes a script from the selected file. Casts the result to T.
      • set(String, Any): adds a variable to the script execution context.
      • get(String): returns the current value assigned to the selected variable.
      • remove(String): removes the variable registered under the given name.
      • import(String, String?): adds an import to the script context. Accepts optional alias.
      • importAll(vararg String), importAll(Iterable<String>): adds the selected imports to the script context.
      • setPackage(String): sets the package for the scripts.
      • onItemClick(Node): adds a listener that gets invoked when Node in a Tree gets clicked.
    • [CHANGE] (ktx-vis) The generic Node type of KVisTree was changed to KNode<*>.