okio v1.10.0 Release Notes

  • 2016-08-28

    • Fix: Support reading files larger than 2 GiB with GzipSource. Previously attempting to decompress such files would fail due to an overflow when validating the total length.
    • Fix: Exit the watchdog thread after being idle for 60 seconds. This should make it possible for class unloaders to fully unload Okio.
    • New: Okio.blackhole() returns a sink where all bytes written are discarded. This is Okio's equivalent of /dev/null.
    • New: Encode a string with any charset using ByteString.encodeString() and decode strings in any charset using ByteString.string(). Most applications should prefer ByteString.encodeUtf8() and ByteString.utf8() unless it's necessary to support a legacy charset.
    • New: GzipSink.deflater() makes it possible to configure the compression level.