
Kotlin Functions Primer - Learn how to define and call functions, how to use default and named arguments, how to define and call functions with a variable number of arguments, how to define top-level functions, member functions, local/nested functions.
In this article, You'll learn how to declare properties inside a Kotlin class, what are backing fields, how getters and setters work, and how to define a custom getter and setter for the properties of a class.
Kotlin is a programming language developed by JetBrains, the same company that has built world-class IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, PyCharm, ReSharper etc.
It runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and can also be compiled to JavaScript and Machine Code.
My goal in this blog is to develop a comprehensive set of tutorials on Kotlin that is easy to understand for beginners and works as a great reference for experienced developers.
Classes and Objects are the central concepts in any Object Oriented Programming(OOP) language. In this article, you'll learn how to define classes in Kotlin. You'll also learn how to create and initialize objects using a primary constructor, secondary constructor and initializer blocks.