
The last article in a series dedicated to Spring Boot AWS S3 integration focused on testing with LocalStack and Testcontainers.
The second article in a series dedicated to Spring Boot AWS S3 integration focused on S3Template and Kotlin.
A step-by-step guide on how to configure a Spring Boot Kotlin app to work with AWS S3 Object Storage using the S3Client.
In this, step-by-step guide, I will show you how to create and configure a Spring Boot Kotlin application that sends metrics to Datadog
Learn how to perform integration testing for Spring WebClient that invokes external REST APIs with WireMock and JUnit 5.
This article provides all the necessary information you need to know about setting up a Ktor client with OpenWeatherMap API.
In this, practical tutorial, I will show you how to test a REST API created with Micronaut, Kotlin, and MongoDB.
This article written by Peter Lantukh is all you need to know about how to set up kotlinx.serialization library in Ktor Server, Client, and WebSockets.
In the 3rd article of my secure REST API with Ktor series, I will show you how to set up role-based access control (RBAC), also known as role-based security.
In this article, Peter Lantukh covers the most important scenarios of kotlinx.serialization in Kotlin and how to use it to our advantage.
In this article, we will learn how easily we can automate our Kotlin project with git hooks on the example of Ktlint pre-commit check.
In the second article of my secure Ktor series, I will show you how to implement a JWT refresh token flow functionality.
In this, first article in a series, I will show you how to create a REST API with Ktor and secure it with JWT (JSON Web Token) access tokens.
In this article article, you're gonna learn what problems uncontrolled scope can cause and how to prevent them using @DslMarker annotation:

Best Books For Kotlin Programmer - Clean Code - The Clean Coder - Clean Architecture - Kotlin Design Patterns - Kotlin in Action...
In this article, I will show you how to implement a secure REST API with Spring Boot 3, Spring Security, Kotlin, and JWT tokens.
In this article, we will see how easily we can generate a Kotlin client from any OpenAPI Spec (both 2.0 and 3.0) and save hours of work.
In this article, I will show you how to implement your custom TriFunction in Kotlin and how SAM conversions and lambdas can help us with it.
In this publication, we will learn how to implement statically-typed, type-safe Kotlin builders which we can use to implement our own DSLs.
Hello ! 🙂 Continuing the DSL topic, I would like to show you how to expose a REST API using Spring Boot 3, Kotlin, bean definition, and router DSL.
Welcome to my next practical tutorial, in which I will show you how to expose web endpoints using Spring Boot 3 and Kotlin router DSL (aka- functional style).
In this article, I will show you what exactly Kotlin operator overloading is, how we can use it, and what’s even more important- what value can it bring to your project?
In this, revisited article I will show you everything you need to know when working with Spring WebClient and Kotlin coroutines.
In this practical guide, I will show you how to create a reactive REST API using Spring, Kotlin, coroutines, and Kotlin Flows.
In this, hands-on tutorial I will show you how to send transactional emails using Ktor, Kotlin, and MailerSend.
If you’ve ever been wondering how to deploy your Ktor Server app using Docker, then this step-by-step guide will be the right choice.
In this article, we will learn a bit more about Kotlin password hashing, PBKDF2, and how to write a Kotlin code with PBKDF2 in practice.
This time, I would like to show you how to solve a pretty common issue when mapping Postgres jsonb to Jackson JsonNode in Spring Data JPA with Kotlin
In this article, which is a continuation of a Flyway series we will learn how to add Flyway to an existing Spring Boot Project.
In this, step-by-step article, I will show you how to create a Spring Boot console app with Kotlin from scratch.

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