ebean v11.41.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-07-02 // almost 5 years ago
  • Issues:

    👍 #1748 Support older JPA API that doesn't have orphanRemoval() or joinColumn.foreignKey()
    🚀 #1747 Refactor tidy internals - io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse
    #1746 Wrong SQL generated when using setDistinct and order by on aggregated column
    #1743 When using @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn, FK constraint generation cannot be disabled
    #1745 #1743 - When using @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn, FK constraint generation ca…
    #1744 With Inheritance query on a type that has no sub-types, don't include the discriminator column in the select clause
    👻 #1740 Persistence exception when using dynamic aggregation with @Inheritance bug
    #1739 Entity with just @id and @OneToMany fields produces broken insert query bug
    #1742 Bump to ebean-agent 11.41.1