Kodein v3.0.0-beta3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-07-03 // almost 8 years ago

      • kodein.container.bindings.description now uses simple type names, which makes it easier to read. You can use kodein.container.bindings.fullDescription to show full type names.
      • Both descriptions now print type names in a "kotlin-esque" way. Because Kodein does not depends on kotlin-reflect, it uses java Type objects that do not contains nullability informations. As such, the type display does not include nullability. Still, it's easier to read.
      • Kotlin 1.0.3

      • Scopes are no more (weird) functions but object implementing the Scope or AutoScope interfaces.
      • Android's ActivityScopeLifecycleManager is now activityScope.lifecycleManager.

      • typeToken won't throw an exception when used with a TypeVariable type argument, however, the same exception will still be thrown at binding, whether or not using the inline function, typeToken or a simple type. In other words, if you try to bind any type that contains a TypeVariable type argument, Kodein will throw an exception.

      • Android's activityScope is now an object.