koin v0.2.x Release Notes

  • 🔀 Koin & Koin-Android project has meen merged


    • Module/AndroidModule class must now give a context() function implementation, to return a Context object. The declareContext function unlock the Koin DSL to describe dependencies and injection:
    class MykModule : Module() {
        override fun context() = declareContext { ... }
    • You can now bind additional types for provided definitions Kotlin class MykModule : Module() { override fun context() = declareContext { provide { Processor() } bind { ProcessorInterface::class} } }


    • 👀 You can declare/reuse paths in your modules, with modulePath {} operator. See paths section
    • 🚀 Release modulePath instances with release() on a KoinContext
    class MainActivityModule : Module() {
        override fun context() =
                declareContext {
                    // Scope MainActivity
                    modulePath { MainActivity::class }
                    // provided WeatherService
                    provide { WeatherService(get()) }


    • 🚚 KoinAwareContext interface used to setup Android application (KoinApplication & KoinMultidexApplication are removed)
    class MainApplication : Application(), KoinContextAware {
         * Koin context
        lateinit var context: KoinContext
         * KoinContextAware - Retrieve Koin Context
        override fun getKoin(): KoinContext = context
        override fun onCreate() {
            // insert Koin !
            context = Koin().init(this).build(MyModule()) 
            // ...
    • by inject<>() function operator to inject any dependency in any Activity or Fragment
    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        // inject my WeatherService 
        val weatherService by inject<WeatherService>()


    • 🏗 Koin builder takes module instances (instead of module classes):
    // fill applicationContext for Koin context
    val ctx = Koin().init(applicationContext).build(Module1(),Module2()...)

    Internal rework for simpler use with Scopes:

    • 🏗 Koin().build() return KoinContext
    • 🚚 factory, stack operators have been removed, for the modulePath fatures
    • ✂ delete/remove replaced with release() Scope operation
    • import is replaced with module instances load
    • 🚚 All reflection & kotlin-reflect code have been removed