Awesome Kotlin has a "changelog" section under all projects. You can find it next to the "Repo" button in the header. There are two features that make it unique.

  1. It is an aggregation of parsed "" files and releases information from Github. This way, it is easier to see all changes in a single place and a uniform style.
  2. All changelogs are "emojified". This helps with identifying each change easier. Emojification is achieved by parsing each line and applying a specific emoji based on the first word or some other tokens.

The combination of the above two makes library changelogs on Awesome Kotlin unique.

As you know, an example is worth a 1,000 words 🚀

Changelog examples

  • finch 0.14.0 (November 30, 2022)

    ✨ Enhancements

    • 👌 Improve error message for pool timeouts #126
    • 😌 Relax nimble_options version to allow usage with 0.5.0 #204
  • Bonny 1.0.0 (November 28, 2022)

    🔨 With Version 1.0.0, Bonny got a thorough refactoring. Besides this changelog, you might consider the several guides (e.g. the [migration guide](./guides/migration.mid))

    • Bonny.Operator was introduced as an entry point to the watching and handling of processes. Your controllers are not more added to the supervision tree by bonny. Instead you must create an operator and add that to your application's supervision tree.
    • 📦 The Pluggable (think Plug) library is used with Bonny.Axn as token to process ADDED, MODIFIED, DELETED and reconciliation events by Pluggable pipelines.
    • Bonny.ControllerV2 was introduced as a successor to Bonny.Controller. It leverages Pluggable.StepBuilder (think Plug.Builder) to build a pluggable pipeline.
    • Bonny.Event and Bonny.EventRecorder were introducd for Kubernetes event creation (#156, #5)

    🔨 Why this refactoring?

    • 👍 Allows for better CRD and API version definitions
    • ✅ With a Pluggable architecture, controllers are much easier to test (Think of Plug.Conn tests)
    • The Pluggable architecture makes your processing pipelines composable and simpler to customize/extend
    • Decoupling of manifest generation and action event processing
    • Internally, the amount of macros was reduced which makes Bonny easier to understand and maintain
  • surface 0.9.1 (September 26, 2022)
    • Fix dialyzer errors