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Avg Release Cycle
13 days
Latest Release
1234 days ago

Changelog History
Page 1

  • v12.6.2 Changes

    December 09, 2020


    #2126 - Bump ebean-migration to 12.4.0
    ๐Ÿณ #2125 - Bump ebean-test-docker dependency to 4.1
    #2120 - DbEnumValue without database constraint enhancement
    #2124 - ENH: Add name() attribute to @DbArray, @dbjson, @DbJsonB, @DbMap enhancement
    โฑ #2123 - Modify BackgroundExecutor API - add scheduleWithFixedDelay() and mark executePeriodically() as deprecated
    #2122 - Metrics for ElementCollection query not included in reporting (via MetaInfoManager) bug
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2121 - Refactor BackgroundExecutor add submit() methods returning Future refactor
    โšก๏ธ #2118 - Generated code for @DbForeignKey reading onDelete and Ignores onUpdate bug
    #2116 - Add Query.withLock(LockType) and withLock(LockType, LockWait)

  • v12.6.1 Changes

    November 25, 2020


    โšก๏ธ #2115, #2112, #2110 - Fix and test for executeBatch() on SqlUpdate - addBatch() does not auto flush
    #2114 - Fix PreparedStatement leak when findEach() with invalid SQL
    โšก๏ธ #2113, #2089, #2090 - Add support for Postgres lock types (no key, share, key share) with FOR UPDATE enhancement
    #2108 - ebean-k8scache and ebean-cluster not invalidated when only remoteTableMod or remoteCacheEvent
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2107 - Refactor io.ebeaninternal.json.ModifyAwareOwner to io.ebean.ModifyAwareType
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2105 - Refactor extract interface DataBinder from DataBind, move ScalarType
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2106 - Refactor extract ebean-core-type module moving ScalarType and related interfaces to io.ebean.core.type

  • v12.6.0 Changes

    November 18, 2020


    ๐Ÿ”จ #2104 - Refactor rename ebean-ddlgen module to ebean-ddl-generator
    ๐Ÿ‘ #2103 - Bump dependency avaje-config to 1.2 - no effective change, added JPMS Java module support
    ๐Ÿณ #2102 - Add to BOM entries for ebean-ddl-runner, ebean-datasource, ebean-migration, ebean-test-docker
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2101 - Refactor to make ebean-migration optional dependency
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2100 - Refactor move io.ebean.dbmigration.DbMigration [generation] from ebean-api to ebean-ddlgen module
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2099 - Refactor internals introduce use of ebean-ddl-runner
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2098 - Refactor simplify SequenceIdGenerator.loadInBackground() to use AtomicBoolean
    #2097 - Split ebean-datasource dependency to ebean-datasource-api and ebean-datasource

  • v12.5.2 Changes

    November 11, 2020


    ๐Ÿคก #2092 - Add support for mocking Database interface to MockiEbean
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2093 - Refactor remove isJava7Present() ... we are Java 8+ so Java 7 types are always present - Removing effectively redundant code
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2094 - Refactor remove isJavaTimePresent() ... we are Java 8+ so removing effectively redundant code
    #2091 - Using Postgis types with query gives PersistenceException Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Unhandled data type [6000] bind number[0]
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2085 - Refactor promote getDataSource() and getReadOnlyDataSource() to Database from SpiServer

  • v12.5.1 Changes

    October 16, 2020


    #2082 - Scalar type querybeans generics error - bug
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2079 - Refactor to make Jackson core an optional dependency
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2081 - Refactor synchronized to ReentrantLock
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2080 - Refactor convert from sychronized to ReentrantLock to prepare for Loom
    #2078 - Bump to avaje-config 1.1 - makes snakeyaml dependency optional
    โœ… #2077 - Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1 in /ebean-test

  • v12.5.0 Changes

    October 12, 2020


    ๐Ÿ”จ #2065 - Refactor SQL generation - remove excess whitespace (double spaces before where, join and order by)
    โšก๏ธ #2062 - Update enhancement agent to use ASM 9

    Modularisation of ebean:

    ๐Ÿ”จ #2076 - Refactor DbDefaultValue internals - remove dependency on javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter for verify of value
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2075 - Refactor external mapping (i.e. named queries from ebean.xml etc) - extract api and separate module
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2074 - Refactor extract ebean-ddlgen module. In future this module would expected to be a test only dependency
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2073 - Refactor internals for DdlGenerator use use ServiceLoader
    ๐Ÿ“„ #2072 - Extract ebean-api module - NB: this includes moving ShutdownManager and small adjustment to DocStore/Elastic SPI
    #2071 - Add ebean-bom module
    #2070 - Rename ebean module to ebean-core, add top level ebean module
    #2069 - Add ebean-querybean, querybean-generator and kotlin-querybean-generator as modules
    โœ… #2068 - Add ebean-test as module
    #2067 - Extract ebean-autotune into separate module
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2066 - Refactor move into ebean-core directory

    What was ebean has been split into:

    • ๐Ÿ”ง ebean-api - The public API with configuration and database platforms
    • ebean-core - Most of what was in ebean.jar
    • ebean-autotune - Extraction of the autotune feature which is strictly speaking optional
    • โœ… ebean-ddlgen - DDL generation for drop/create and migrations. This module can be just a test scope dependency.
    • ebean-externalmapping-api - API for loading named queries
    • ebean-externalmapping-xml - JAXB based loading of named queries via ebean.xml. This module is optional.
    • ๐Ÿšš ebean - A composite of ebean-core, ebean-querybean and ebean-ddlgen (maybe ebean-ddlgen will removed in future so that it is test scope by default)

    Other modules have been brought in from other repos:

    • โœ… ebean-test
    • ebean-querybean
    • querybean-generator
    • kotlin-querybean-generator
  • v12.4.2 Changes

    October 07, 2020


    #2064 - Generated sql is missing a space near to the "dtype and softdelete" join-conditions when "fetch join" is used
    โšก๏ธ #2063 - Updating bean - L2 Bean cache update + l2 cache update on "Many Ids" when they have not change - can lead to race
    โœ… #2061 - Add failing testcase for wrong values retrieved from bean caching

  • v12.4.1 Changes

    September 17, 2020


    #2058 - .findVersionsBetween() for PG and MySql... should use inclusive/exclusive and it is instead is exclusive/exclusive
    #2059 - ENH: Add convenience expressions leOrNull() and geOrNull() ... [property >= value or property is null]
    ๐Ÿ‘ #2060 - Bump ANTLR to 4.8-1 (from 4.7.2) and add support for "leOrNull" and "geOrNull" expressions from #2059
    โšก๏ธ #2010 - Update CsvCallback API to use Database instead of EbeanServer breaking-api
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2049 - Migrate to DatabaseConfig from ServerConfig refactor

  • v12.3.9 Changes

    September 08, 2020


    #2054 - Invalid SQL with History findVersions() on bean with @EmbeddedId - ... ORDER BY T0.NULL[*] ...
    #2051 - Bump config dependency from io.avaje:config to io.avaje:avaje-config
    #2044 Using @AttributeOverrides breaking generated SQL (when override nullable and no column name)

    ๐Ÿ”จ Refactor internals

    ๐Ÿ”จ #2055 - Refactor internals - Extract DbContext from Ebean and hold Database rather than EbeanServer
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2056, #2055 - Refactor internals - Extract DbContext from Ebean and hold Database rather than EbeanServer
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2052 - Refactor tidy internals - Use String.replace() rather than literal pattern replaceAll()
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2053 - Refactor tidy internals - Clean up StringHelper
    ๐Ÿ”จ #2050 - Refactor internals - remove dependency on java.beans refactor

  • v12.3.8 Changes

    August 25, 2020


    #2048 - IllegalStateException: No query cache enabled on __. Need explicit @Cache(enableQueryCache=true) ... when ebean.disableL2Cache=true l2
    #2044 - Using @AttributeOverrides breaking generated SQL (when override nullable and no column name)
    โšก๏ธ #2047 - For #2038 - updated from 12.3.6 to 12.3.7 - NPE BeanDescriptor.findPropertyFromPath(
    #2041 - Add STI Discrimination on Reference Associations
    #2037 - Allow PostCommit transaction callback to recursively add another PostCommit callback bug