
Programming language: Kotlin
License: MIT License
Tags: Misc    
Latest version: v0.5.0

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Random small libraries, usually extensions making other libraries happier. Versions later than 2.x are for JDK 8 and newer only.

Maven Dependency

Each module has its own set of dependencies. The basic pattern is:


compile "uy.kohesive.klutter:klutter-moduleName:3.0.+"



See all modules and current versions on mvenrepository.com


In Klutter 3.x some modules were removed as functionality and direct support for Kotlin Couroutines or Kodein has been added to libraries, or other changes have come along that make the module less useful.

     Maven‑Artifact      Topic
[config-typesafe](config-typesafe/) Typesafe Config easier loader and access to configuration
[config-typesafe-kodein](config-typesafe/) Typesafe Config injection into Kodein 6.5 modules
[conversion](conversion/) Type converters for primitive and common JDK types
[core](core/) Core extension methods on strings, numbers, dates, URI Builder, better URL Encoding/Decoding
db-jdbi-v2 See JDBI official support in 3.x
db-jdbi-v3 Merged into JDBI official, 3.x snapshot and releases after March 7, 2017
elasticsearch-1.7.x REMOVED in Klutter 3.x
elasticsearch-2.4.x REMOVED in Klutter 3.x
elasticsearch-5.x REMOVED in Klutter 3.x
elasticsearch-6.x REMOVED in Klutter 3.x
[json-jackson-kodein](json-jackson/) Jackson JSON w/Kotlin module Kodein 6.5 module
[netflix-graph](netflix-graph/) In memory graph building and compression/serialization. A wrapper adding schema, ordinal tracking, serialization with ordinals, and is much easier to use API
[reflect](reflect-full/) Helpers for Kotlin reflection extending the kotlin-reflect dependency
vertx3 REMOVED in Klutter 3.x, Vertx has native Kotlin Coroutine support now
vertx3-kodein REMOVED in Klutter 3.x, Vertx has native Kotlin Coroutine support now

Recommended libraries:

Other libraries that we recommend a building blocks for Kotlin applications:

  • Kovert - invisible REST framework for Kotlin + Vert.x
  • Kodein - very easy yet powerful dependency injection in Kotlin, now supporting version 5.x

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the klutter README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.